
Additional Services

Personal Financial Statements

Personal Financial Statements are documents that contain general information about an individual as well as information about their current financial status. Most commonly this is referred to as a Statement of Net Worth as it includes a breakdown of total assets and total liabilities. These are frequently requested when applying for credit. At Avior Tax & Accounting, we can prepare your personal financial statement, no matter the need.

Financial Forecast and Projections

A financial forecast is an estimate of the future financial status of a business based on the historical financial data. These are used to provide business owners with information about what the financial outlook of the company is likely to be. A financial forecast is likely to be requested by banks and other investors.

A projection takes the financial forecast and adds in a “what-if” scenario. Projections contain hypothetical events and help the business owner to see how things could turn out. We are asked to do these for various reasons such as: buying a business, estimating how a specific event would affect the bottom line, tax consequences of a specific event, evaluating the sustainability of the current business, etc.

Due Diligence

Clients often ask us to assist in the due diligence process when looking into purchasing a new business. During this process we assist in investigating and analyzing the prospective businesses financial statements. It is important to make sure their expenses look reasonable and that the financials make sense in order to make the appropriate decision on whether to buy the business or move on.

Fraud Services

With a Certified Fraud Examiner on staff, we are able to assist our clients in detecting fraud by evaluating their accounting procedures for vulnerabilities, evaluating internal controls, determining the extent of fraud risk, interpreting financial data, and following up on fraud indicators.

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Your Team.

All of our advisors care deeply about getting to know who you are and what you care about. Because we understand that the things we are helping you care for go far beyond your wealth. Your advisor will be your guide throughout the process, and you’ll also have a whole team of experts behind you. We value working together and collaborating as a team so we can use each advisor’s expertise to get the best results possible. The time, care, and intention we put into our relationships with our clients and building their plans with integrity and excellence are why many of our clients feel we’re more than their advisors… we’re honored to often earn the title of trusted friends and confidantes.

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Expert Financial &

Wealth Management Information

It's our goal to stay on top of trends & strategies, while educating and sharing with our clients.

Building a Buffer Against Inflation in Retirement

Watch your retirement savings grow, not shrink! Inflation doesn't have to be the villain in your retirement story.

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What to Know About Tax-Loss Harvesting This Year

Market downs have an upside! Wondering how your portfolio's losses could actually save you money?

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Business owners discussing how to legally fortify their assets and wealth.

Legal Fortification: Protecting Your Wealth as a Business Owner

As your business grows, so too does its risk exposure. Learn how to fortify your assets and protect your wealth as a business owner. You’ve…

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Gain Control of Your Financial Future

At Avior, we build comprehensive financial plans with great intention and care, always with the aim of helping you achieve what matters most to you and those you love.