

Pension & Retirement Plans

If you are a public pension fund trustee or committee members

Public defined benefit plans face unique challenges in fulfilling operational and funding constraints while trying to meet the needs of a long investment time horizon. Trustees and committee members must uphold their fiduciary responsibilities for management of the institution’s funds.

As fiduciaries, we partner with trustees and committee members of public pension funds to design, implement, and monitor governance policies, investment portfolios, and education curricula with the goal of meeting established risk and return objectives.

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If you are a corporate defined contribution plan employer, plan sponsor, or plan participant

Defined contribution plans have no doubt taken over as the primary retirement savings vehicle for employees, meaning plan sponsors are challenged with designing, implementing, and monitoring an investment program to increase the likelihood of retirement success.

Avior Institutional partners with plan sponsors and investment committees to deliver customized retirement solutions. We support fiduciary obligations of plan sponsors and ensure participants have the resources necessary to achieve retirement goals and objectives.

For institutions with limited resources to make crucial investment decisions, we offer Outsourced Chief Investment Officer (OCIO) solutions, providing the flexibility to delegate as much or as little of the decision-making process as needed.

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We simplify investment and fiduciary decisions by providing high quality investment options and risk oversight, plan governance, trustee education, and custom strategy development and implementation. As an independent firm, we are able to evaluate and recommend managers objectively and independently, ultimately providing extensive retirement plan services including:

  • Investment Selection, Monitoring, and Replacement
  • Investment Manager Due Diligence
  • Plan Policy Development & Review – Governance, Investments, Ethics, etc.
  • Plan Asset Allocation Recommendations
  • Plan Fee & Expense Benchmarking
  • Customized Reporting
  • Plan Fiduciary & Trustee Education


Your Team.

In the intricate realm of portfolio management, our advisors offer indispensable support, guiding organizations through strategic planning, risk mitigation, and regulatory compliance. At Avior Institutional, we specialize in tailoring pension and retirement plans, empowering foundations and endowments, and providing insightful support for registered investment advisors. Dive into tailored services with Avior Institutional, your dedicated partner, committed to guiding your organization towards success.

Meet Our Firm

Expert Financial &

Portfolio Management Information

It's our goal to stay on top of trends & strategies, while educating and sharing with our clients.

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Gain Control of Your Financial Future

At Avior, we build comprehensive financial plans with great intention and care, always with the aim of helping you achieve what matters most to you and those you love.