a couple sitting in their home discussing home insurance policy documents

Secure Your Home with These Pro Insurance Tips

Rest assured that your home and belongings are protected with the right insurance policy. Insurance costs are some of the most important line items in your budget. Health and auto insurance are priorities, but home insurance is another expense that should top the list. You need adequate coverage if something happens to your home and possessions, but you don’t want to pay too much.  Selecting the right home insurance policy can be...

Avior Wealth

How to Invest for Retirement Amid Market ​Uncertainty

From President Biden’s announcement that he will not be seeking re-election, to a rotation out of tech stocks and into ​small caps, recent events have added to market uncertainty. The S&P 500 recently declined 2.9% from its all-time high, ​while the Nasdaq pulled back nearly 5%. It’s natural for investors to be concerned about where the market is headed, ​especially as the presidential election season heats up and the Fed...

Avior Wealth
an older woman being cared for by a long-term care nurse

Plan for the Future with Long-Term Care Insurance

Find out what kind of policy options you have for long-term care insurance and how to strike the right balance with your investment      It’s easy to put off long-term care insurance planning. However, failing to plan now with insurance may mean you’ll be unprepared for the financial and emotional challenges that come when you or a family member needs long-term care.  An estimated 7.7 million Americans need long-term care services and support,...

Avior Wealth
a representation of inflation with a hundred-dollar bill and arrow

How Does Inflation Impact Your Investments?

Rising inflation rates impact prices and purchasing power and may also impact the value of your investments. One concern that may not be on your mind as you’re wealth planning is inflation. But inflation impacts a wide variety of financial considerations, including the investment choices you make.  Inflation is how much the economy increases prices each year for the average cost of goods and services. The inflation rate signifies the rate of...

Avior Wealth