
AVIOR INSIGHTS – Why the Fed Raised Rates Amid a Banking Crisis

In this market environment, investors have had no choice but to balance a number of difficult issues related to the tightening of financial conditions. These have ranged from rising rates to a slowing economy, and a housing market downturn to the current banking crisis. While each of these issues has its own unique circumstances, it's also important to recognize the common underlying causes. This is especially important as the situation...

Avior Wealth

AVIOR INSIGHTS – What Ongoing Banking Turmoil and Market Pullbacks Mean for Investors

The banking crisis that began in the U.S. has now spread to Europe. Recent concerns over the solvency of Credit Suisse, Switzerland's second largest "global systemically important bank" (G-SIB), was due in no small part to the runs on U.S. banks. What made Credit Suisse vulnerable was that it had been plagued by reputational and financial difficulties over the past decade including problems with its financial reporting, exposure to the...

Avior Wealth

AVIOR INSIGHTS – Navigating Bank Failures, Fed Rate Hikes, and Risks to the Financial System

The recent failure of three U.S. banks has raised concerns over the economy and financial system. The situation is still evolving and there is plenty of speculation as to what might come next. One recent development is that government officials from the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and FDIC have announced that depositors will be made whole in an effort to backstop the system and restore confidence. This crisis has already created...

Avior Wealth

AVIOR INSIGHTS – How Our Aging Population Affects Long-Term Investing

The U.S. population, like those of many developed countries, is aging. According to the latest Census figures, a major shift occurred over the past two decades in which the share of the population under 50 declined, especially among those who are considered to be of prime working age. Even the youngest baby boomers are nearing retirement age while the oldest are almost 80. And while millennials have come of age...

Avior Wealth