
Tax & Accounting

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a representation of inflation with a hundred-dollar bill and arrow

How Does Inflation Impact Your Investments?

Rising inflation rates impact prices and purchasing power and may also impact the value of your investments. One concern that may not be on your mind as you’re wealth planning is inflation. But inflation impacts a wide variety of financial considerations, including the investment choices you make.  Inflation is how much the economy increases prices each year for the average cost of goods and services. The inflation rate signifies the rate of...

Avior Wealth
A business owner looking through tax deduction paperwork at a table

Last-Minute Tax Deduction Strategies

Even if you’re tax planning at the last minute, you can take advantage of these deductions to lower your taxable income. As you’re preparing for tax season, you may be thinking about all the ways you can maximize your deductions and credits while minimizing your tax liability. If you’re not aware of all the opportunities available to you, you could miss out on significant tax savings.  Exploring options like donations, retirement contributions,...

Avior Wealth