
Tax Planning Strategies

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a business owner talking on the phone and working on a laptop to assess depreciation methods

Understanding and Claiming Depreciation on Business Assets

Learn the different depreciation methods to consider for your business property and what common terms refer to when you’re assessing tax implications      Preparing for taxes is a big concern for your business all year. One factor that deserves careful attention is the depreciation of your business assets, such as vehicles, equipment, and property. The IRS has requirements in place regarding depreciation, and understanding these rules allows you to maximize tax benefits. This...

Avior Wealth
reviewing records and documents to plan for next year’s taxes

How to Plan for Next Year’s Taxes Now

Being proactive with your taxes is always going to help you stay organized and maximize your tax minimization opportunities      Staying proactive with tax planning is key to maximizing your savings and following all laws and regulations. But many Americans put off their taxes until the last minute, which can lead to missed savings opportunities or tax penalties. Getting a head start on next year’s taxes can only benefit you. You’ll be able...

Avior Wealth
two men at a table reviewing tax law changes for 2024

IRS Updates for 2024

The IRS has made a few important updates to tax regulations for 2024. Find out what’s changed and how it may impact you      Filing and paying taxes already cause stress for many people. Keeping up with the latest regulatory changes can be even more daunting, as new tax laws and modifications are always being added that you must follow.  A recent survey found that 80% of taxpayers say they wish they understood...

Avior Wealth
a smiling woman hugging a healthcare provider in scrubs and discussing healthcare costs

Tax Deductions for Healthcare Costs

Learn how HSAs, FSAs, and healthcare cost deductions can help you cover medical expenses and lower your tax burden     The rising costs of healthcare mean that you should take all steps possible to leverage related tax deductions. Tax breaks can help you mitigate the impact of these hefty expenses. Around half of American adults say it’s hard for them to afford healthcare costs, and the result is that many people...

Avior Wealth