
Kristine Burns-Stirnaman

Tax Supervisor

Kristine Burns-Stirnaman is a Tax Supervisor at Avior Wealth Management

Kristine Burns-Stirnaman is a Tax Supervisor at Avior Wealth Management, where she brings her background as a small business owner and real estate investor to the tax department as part of her goal to assist clients in the best methods to structure their finances and plan so as to limit tax burdens. With 20 years’ experience in accounting and taxation, Kristine Burns-Stirnaman has developed a strong expertise in individual, estate, and trust taxation.

Prior to joining Avior, she taught advanced tax continuing education, mentored new associates, and worked directly with clients in many areas of problem solving. Her background in business and real estate allows her a deeper understanding of both sides of what goes into the preparation of an individual’s tax return.

Kristine Burns-Stirnaman holds an AA in Criminal Justice from Santa Rosa Junior College and a BS in Business Management from Pacific Union College. As well as being active in her local Rotary Foundation, she is passionate about continuing to grow and learn in many areas.

In her spare time, Kristine Burns-Stirnaman enjoys spending time creating art from vintage items and is an avid reader, both of which she believes contribute to her love of the earth and her desire for personal growth