
Michelle Peschieri

Tax Professional / Senior Manager

Michelle is a Tax Professional and Senior Manager for Avior Tax & Accounting.

Michelle joined the Avior organization when Lindsay & Gardner, CPAs, PLLC, merged with Avior in January 2024. Prior to that time, Michelle had honed her skills as a tax professional with the Lindsay & Gardner office since 2017.

Professional Philosophy
Michelle takes great satisfaction in collaborating with clients who require expertise in tax planning and the development of streamlined systems and procedures. She relishes the challenges of consultancy, particularly in addressing the intricate issues confronted by closely held businesses and their owners. Quickbooks training is an area in which Michelle excels and has found a true niche where she services many of the firms’ clients. Professional success, as defined by Michelle, is resolving tax and operational issues that a client may currently have while anticipating future issues, with a focus on minimizing problems and maximizing efficiencies and results.

Personal Background:
Originally from Corinth, New York, Michelle’s family consists of three children and one grand-daughter. Michelle’s favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees, and she loves spending time outdoors with her family.