
Market Insights

Avior Wealth Management / Insights  / Market Insights (Page 26)
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AVIOR INSIGHTS – How Investors Can Take Advantage of Attractive Valuations

  As the economy responds to inflationary pressures, investors continue to struggle with daily price swings across the stock market. This level of market volatility can be disorienting for even the most experienced investors, and some may even want to wait it out on the sidelines. While this may be tempting, history shows that this is neither the best approach to lower risk nor to take advantage of a future recovery....

Avior Wealth
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AVIOR INSIGHTS – 7 Insights to Guide You Through the Second Half of 2022

As we enter the second half of the year, investors continue to grapple with inflation, higher interest rates, the Fed, and the prospect of a recession. If historical bear markets are any indication, the decisions investors make during this period will have long-lasting effects on their portfolios. Resisting the temptation to overreact to daily market swings, dwelling on the past, and losing sight of bigger factors has never been more...

Avior Wealth
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AVIOR INSIGHTS – How Record Gas Prices Affect Inflation, Consumers, and Investors

Energy prices have been a major factor driving inflation higher this year. The strong economic recovery and the war in Ukraine have boosted the demand for energy at the same time that supplies of oil and natural gas have fallen. Gasoline prices, in particular, have become a symbol of the burden that inflation places on consumers, and where they go from here will affect consumer spending, Fed policy and stock...

Avior Wealth
markus spiske

AVIOR INSIGHTS – How the Fed’s Historic Rate Hike Affects Consumers and Investors

In response to worsening inflation, the Fed raised policy rates by 75 basis points last week, the largest individual hike since 1994. The Fed also sharply lowered their growth projections, increased their inflation forecasts, and boosted their year-end rate target to 3.25%, while emphasizing that they are "strongly committed to returning inflation to its 2 percent objective." At his press conference, Chair Jerome Powell acknowledged that accelerating inflation is difficult...

Avior Wealth