AVIOR INSIGHTS – Why Investors Need Perspective Amid a Market Pullback, Fears Over China, and More
Financial markets have pulled back in recent weeks due to factors such as rising interest rates and uncertainty in China. So far in August, the S&P 500 has declined 4.8% while the Nasdaq, which consists primarily of technology stocks, has fallen 7.4%. However, this is in the context of a strong rally from March through July during which the S&P 500 gained over 19% and the Nasdaq almost 29%. What's...
AVIOR INSIGHTS – Why Bonds Are Still Essential for Diversified Portfolios
While 2023 has been a better year for bonds after last year's bear market, rising interest rates over the past three months have acted as a headwind. The U.S. Aggregate bond index has gained 0.6% this year, down from a peak return of 4.2% in April. Similarly, corporate bond returns have receded to 1.8% from 5% prior to the banking crisis earlier this year. High yield bonds, which are volatile...
Mastering Retirement Planning: Achieving Your Financial Goals
Even if retirement seems far away, you want to stay proactive. Learn how creating a strategy with the right guidance will help you reach your goals. Retirement planning is one of the most important financial steps you’ll take in your life. With all of its moving parts, like Social Security, Medicare, and investments, it’s not easy to put all the pieces together. Creating the right retirement plan with the help of...
AVIOR INSIGHTS – How Personal Savings Affect the Economy
Despite the economic uncertainty of the past year, everyday individuals and households have been resilient. Consumer spending has remained steady in the face of high inflation, rising interest rates, housing market challenges, and layoffs in sectors such as tech. While it has helped that the recession anticipated by many investors and economists has not materialized, this fact is partially due to the strength of consumer finances. How do consumer balance...