
AVIOR INSIGHTS – Why the 4% Rule Is Only a Starting Point for Retirement

Planning for retirement has never been more important and yet so challenging. Given the difficult inflationary conditions of the past two years, the risk that worries most retirees continues to be outliving their savings. This is because, when it comes to markets and the economy, we can't control the timing of events - including day-to-day market swings and whether investors begin retirement in a bull or bear market. What we...

Avior Wealth

AVIOR INSIGHTS – How Challenges in Commercial Real Estate Impact Investors

The repercussions of inflation, Fed rate hikes, the ongoing banking crisis, and the approaching debt ceiling deadline are being felt throughout the financial system. One area directly impacted by these shocks is real estate, across both the residential and commercial sectors. Commercial real estate (CRE), in particular, is highly dependent on regional and smaller banks, including those that have struggled or failed since early March. Some investors and economists are...

Avior Wealth