
What Seasonal Patterns such as the January Effect Mean for Investors

While investing often involves recognizing patterns in economic and market data, not all patterns are equally useful or valid. On the one hand, history shows that economic trends such as the business cycle and factors that drive corporate profitability, for instance, do impact markets. On the other hand, there are countless other patterns that investors follow that may or may not affect returns. Distinguishing between these types of patterns is...

Avior Wealth

How Corporate Profits and Dividends Affect Investor Returns

The stock market has been supported by a healthier-than-expected economy this year, generating returns that have helped many portfolios to partially recover from last year's bear market. Investors now hope these growth trends will translate into stronger corporate earnings since, in the long run, markets tend to follow the same trajectory as profits. With the future of the economy still uncertain, what signs are there that companies might begin to...

Avior Wealth

Why Investors Can Be Thankful After a Volatile Year

While it may not feel like it, investors truly do have much to be thankful for this holiday season. Over the past year, investors have navigated both short-term challenges due to interest rate swings, the banking crisis, and political battles in Washington, as well as long-term uncertainty resulting from inflation, the Fed, geopolitical conflicts, and more. And yet, through all of this, major market indices have held onto strong gains,...

Avior Wealth

How Inflation Impacts Taxes and Retirement Benefits

While the holiday season is ideally a time for family and friends, it is also the best time to review tax strategies for the coming year. Tax planning includes topics such as tax-loss harvesting, choices of investment vehicles, optimizing the order of withdrawals, and many others. Given the complexity of these tax considerations, it’s important to work with a trusted financial advisor or planner to best understand each approach and...

Avior Wealth